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Midwest Co-op IPN Cardlock Fuelling Services

Cardlock Offers Convenience & Cost Savings For Your Commercial Or Private Fuel Needs

Your Midwest Co-op Cardlock account is your pass to fuel savings, no matter where you are in Ontario, or the size of your fleet. Midwest Co-op is part of the Ontario-wide Independent Petroleum Network, giving you access to:

  • 24-7 access to conveniently located fuelling stations
  • A province-wide network of 70 locally owned and operated sites
  • Quality clear & dyed diesel, gasoline, and DEF fuels
  • Simplified billing to one account with detailed monthly statements
  • Account “lock-down” security protections for individual card users
  • Fuel savings by sharing costs with other members


Access To Over 70 Fuelling Stations With One Card

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Talk to our Midwest Co-op Energy experts about your fuel needs and learn how Cardlock can save you money.

Call: 1-888-337-3835

Customer Service Hours:
Monday to Friday –  8:30 am to 5:30 pm

For live 24/7 energy emergency service, please call 1-888-337-3835 and select Energy Emergency from the prompts.

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We have revised our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Please read both of these documents as the changes affect your legal rights. By continuing you agree to these updates.